Apparently, he didn’t care who won or lost a battle because all he cared about was seeing bloodshed and battle. It is said that Mars was tall and handsome, but very mean.March 1st was the day when the Ancient Romans would honor Juno.Although Jupiter’s wife, Juno, ruled over all women in Rome, she especially watched over married Roman women.Jupiter took the heavens, Neptune took the sea, and Pluto took the underworld, and they were all happy with their choices.When Saturn died, Jupiter and his two brothers, Neptune and Pluto, divided the world evenly amongst themselves to rule. The home was very important to the Ancient Romans.As the goddess of hearth and home, Vesta kept a flame burning in her temple to represent the “hearth of Rome”.He was reliable and could be counted on to deliver messages. The wings on his helmet and sandals allowed him to move very quickly to wherever a god might send him. Mercury was the messenger of the gods.Diana’s symbols included the moon, the snake, and the bow and arrow.It was known that if he became too angered, volcanoes would erupt. The word “ volcano” comes from the god Vulcan, as he represented volcanoes and blacksmiths.Ceres was always depicted as carrying around a bundle of grain, as this represented the harvest and agriculture.As God of the sea, Neptune carried around a trident.Mars was the strongest and more fearsome God, next to his father Jupiter.Juno’s symbols were a pomegranate and a peacock.Jupiter held thunderbolts in his hands, which he could throw from the sky.Sister of Jupiter goddess of hearth and home Goddess of agriculture, harvest, and the seasons Goddess of wisdom, learning, arts, and industry God of music, archery, healing, poetry and truth Wife of Jupiter goddess of women and fertility King of the Gods, and god of thunder and lightning Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Apollo, Diana, Minerva, Ceres, Vulcan, and Vesta. There were 12 major Gods that the Romans worshipped.This is how the city of Rome was founded in 753 BC.They fought over where the new city should be formed, and in the end, Romulus ended up killing Remus.When they were older, both Romulus and Remus wanted to form a new city, but couldn’t agree on where it should be formed.Romulus and Remus were raised by a she-wolf.Early Roman mythology says that Rome was founded by two twin Gods – Romulus and Remus.The Roman Calendar was built around religious observances.

They are named after their dwelling place, Mount Olympus. All the Olympians are related in some way. The Olympians are a group of 12 gods who ruled after the overthrow of the Titans.
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Download includes the following worksheets:.Download the Roman Gods Facts & Worksheets.