As was the case the first two times, those with direct deposit will likely receive their payments first. Psaki said on Tuesday that the Treasury Department and the IRS are working tirelessly to make sure payments go out this month.
#Stimulus bill update update#
When Will You Receive Your Third Stimulus Check? Timing, Eligibility Update.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki reiterated the timeline at a Monday press briefing, but Majority Whip James Clyburn had a more optimistic outlook. Getting money into people's pockets is a priority for the White House and Biden said on Saturday that people could start seeing payments by the end of the month. Today, with final passage in the House of Representatives, their voice has been heard," Biden said in a statement after its passage. "For weeks now, an overwhelming percentage of Americans - Democrats, Independents, and Republicans – have made it clear they support the American Rescue Plan.

Once Biden signs it, the Treasury Department can start sending out the third round of stimulus check, which is worth the largest amount of money of any of the economic impact payments.

The $1.9 trillion package passed the House of Representatives on Wednesday along party lines with all but one Democrat voting in favor of it and all Republicans opposing it. President Joe Biden is expected to sign the American Rescue Plan on Friday and it's possible Americans could start seeing payments within weeks.